Minera San Cristóbal S.A. (MSC) is a world class mining company in Bolivia centered in the production of zinc-silver and lead-silver concentrates in south-east Bolivia, with one of the most abundant sources of silver in the western hemisphere. The mine told us about the urgent need of having, within a period no longer than 2 months, standard worker bedroom wings for 432 people, a 500 m² office, and restroom units on site, for which our company offered an alternative based on bedroom buildings and used offices located in the city of Calama, to respond to the time demand. The transportation and assembly of these units took 20 days in total, covering the immediate need of having 80 beds for supervisors and 256 beds for workers and offices. To cover the need of for 144 supervisor and manager beds, the new facilities were manufactured in the TFA Santiago plant, mounted in 30 days.